Cole Speaks

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"If we want to change the way we see boys and men of color, how about we invite them to tell their stories?"

Cole WilliamsMotivational Speaker & Parent Consultant

How do you perceive kids who are dealing with the juvenile justice system? What comes to mind?

Cole Williams is a motivational speaker and Co-Founder of The Delta Project – a nonprofit whose mission is to break the generational cycle of incarceration. His life’s work is to provide mentorship and guidance to incarcerated youth and restore relationships between boys and men of color. Cole’s curriculum and workshops are the bedrock on which they stand. It’s founded in community development, leadership, coaching and storytelling.

Pulse had the privilege of assisting Gorilla – a creative studio focused on human-centered storytelling – in filming an interview with Cole. From growing up fatherless, to raising and adopting seven sons of his own, Coles staggering journey provides an eye-opening first-person account of the challenges and failures of the American Juvenile Justice System.




The Delta Project



Behind the Scenes

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